Defining Success in Times of Change and Disruption

Today, I would like to share two concepts that I have come to realize are important in helping us move forward in times of change and uncertainty. 1. We are more likely to get what we want – when we are clear about – what the outcome looks like. How do we define success? Is there a dollar number? Is it running a successful business? Is it a big house? A loving partner? Is it vague or really specific? I […]

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How to Grow in Times of Change

I believe this is the best time to grow. Grow in our career. Grow in our business. Grow in life. There are more opportunities during times of disruption than ever – that’s because everything is undergoing massive competition and chaos. All of us – from small business owners to students to working stiffs to corporate career climbers – we are all seeking ways to grow in an ocean of change and complexity. But too often we seek growth from our […]

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One Trait For Turbulent Times

We live in times of profound change, uncertainty and disruption. I believe that because of greater entropy in our world today, we will experience more change and chaos in our lives. We WILL face change and disruption. It’s not if – only when. That is the reality of our lives: More surprises and shocks. In my own journey, I have realized that there is one trait above all else that is paramount if we’re to learn to thrive in times […]

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Be Useful in Times of Change and Turbulence

It feels like the world’s a mess. From uncertainty in the world, change in our job, chaos in our career, disruption in our business, randomness in our life, it feels like nothing is secure, certain or predictable. We often get so consumed by all the change going on in the world and the troubling headlines that we forget what we’re here to do. And that lack of clarity is what makes us feel worried, stressed and stuck. So what do […]

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How to Choose the Right Path

Which path should I take? I have asked myself this question many times. I made countless analysis, asked lots of people for advice but it’s still difficult because there’s so much information floating around in my head that choosing the right path becomes overwhelming. But there is one lesson I have realized only recently with a profound sense of truth about how to choose the right path in life: Take the hard one. The hard path is the one full […]

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