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get unstuck in lifeSometimes I dread the New Year for this uneasy feeling of making resolutions that may not stick.

The problem with the resolutions I used to set for myself is the follow through.

Each time I would gain some momentum in my life, my mind would create these negative stories causing me stop following through on trying to lose weight, recharge my career or do something meaningful for my quest to get my book published.

My mind held me back and made me feel stuck.

Over the last few years, I made this important realization: Finding a way to overcome our mind’s negative overthinking is a powerful way to get unstuck. And it requires not some bold, unique strategy but a simple one.

To get unstuck in life and follow through on our goals, we need to break the pattern of overthinking, replacing it with something more useful – even if it’s for a brief moment.

And so for 2014, I have developed a few tips that I have used daily to help interrupt the negative pattern of overthinking that keeps us from achieving our resolutions and goals to help us get unstuck and get in the groove of action.

To get unstuck in life…to move forward on our 2014 goals, it helps to try these simple techniques whenever we encounter the disabling force of our overthinking mind.

I want to help you get unstuck in life because I truly believe that each of us are meant to be making a positive contribution to the place we work, the people who we love and the passion we pursue.

Learning to get unstuck in life is up to us, not anyone else.

Here are 63 tips to get unstuck and move forward in 2014:

1. Accept things as they are not as you wish they were or ought to be

2. Don’t listen to negative people

3. Start the morning off on the right foot by creating your vision for the day, listening to positive words, writing and creating

4. Read one page from an inspiring book

5. Take action right this minute

6. Get busy with a specific project

7. Insert positive ideas into your head proactively twice a day

8. Turn off the news

9. Stay away from gossip

10. Create

11. Exercise for just 15 minutes each day

12. Take a course, a seminar or a class that teaches you something new

13. Do something really hard that requires your total concentration

14. Set a goal and work towards it

15. Believe that the possibility of success lies at the intersection of work and persistence

16. Listen to someone tell a story about their life

17. Learn one new skill

18. Read a book that teaches you something

19. Change your body’s posture

20. Call a friend

21. Observe someone else for just 5 minutes

22. Go for a walk

23. Get off Facebook and social media for a half a day

24. Write down what you really want to achieve in your life…write from the heart not from your head

25. Attend a meetup or a conference where you’re likely to meet interesting people

26. Take a lesson on how to swim, play tennis or any other sport

27. Read a biography about someone interesting you admire

28. Find someone who’s doing what you want to do and say to yourself, “If he/she can do it, why CAN’T I?” and get busy doing it

29. Feed your body natural foods

30. Decrease your caffeine and increase water intake

31. Meditate or connect with your higher self each day

32. Smile at the smallest things

33. Speak honestly

34. Watch an inspirational movie that lifts you up

35. Talk to someone who has been through a rough time and ask them what they learned

36. Take small actions towards your bigger goal every single day

37. Pinch yourself each time you start going down a negative spiral of thoughts

38. Have 4 or 5 rituals that you do every single day no matter what happens

39. Celebrate the small milestones because it fuels your momentum towards your bigger success

40. Ignore the critics because you know the real truth: that you are unstoppable

41. Start a conversation with a total stranger at the supermarket or coffee shop

42. Stop believing that others are more fortunate than you – because you don’t know the chaos that people have been through

43. Participate, contribute and share

44. Volunteer for a tough assignment, project or task

45. Travel to an unknown place and force yourself to take public transportation when you get there

46. Eat and drink at the right time of the day, when your body needs it

47. Set a compelling goal for yourself for 3 months and put it on a piece of paper and stick it all of your home where you see it morning, noon and night

48. Start without having a complete plan. Most of us figure it out as we go.

49. Take every rejection or problem as an offering from life for you to grow

50. Be strong in your beliefs but flexible with your plans

51. Say YES more often

52. Work really, really hard at something you believe in

53. Spend more time doing than planning

54. Recognize that your future is unwritten and being created right now

55. Build deeper social bonds with others

56. Put as much trust and faith in yourself as you have in someone you respect

57. Just decide one way or another. Avoid limbo land.

58. Wake up just 15 minutes earlier each day

59. Ask meaningful and powerful questions to someone you look up to

60. Support your partner, a friend or a colleague with something that they really care about

61. Mentor someone younger than you who could use some of your life experience

62. Listen to fresh voices on a podcast

63. Get out of the house and do something that you truly enjoy

Learning to get unstuck in life doesn’t have to be so complicated. It can be as simple as making a call, writing something down, going somewhere. The key is to stop overthinking the future or the direction in your life and to start doing something. Anything.

No one will have the perfect path, the perfect job, the perfect career or perfect life because perfection is an illusion. Once we learn to accept the ups and downs and simply move forward, we will get unstuck in life and start living.


I wish you great success, prosperity, success, happiness and lots of fun in 2014.

-Bob Miglani, Author, Embrace the Chaos

[P.S. I chose 63 tips as an homage to Robin Sharma, a wonderful teacher]

By Bob Miglani

Bob Miglani is the Author of the Washington Post Bestseller, Embrace the Chaos, which is about learning to move forward in times of change, uncertainty and disruption. He grew up running his family's Dairy Queen store, the subject of his first book, Treat Your Customers. He worked in corporate America for 23 years. Left to pursue a life of passion working in a startup, writing, motivational speaking and learning how to live a life of contribution.

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