
How Our Fathers Embraced the Chaos: Rule#3

No matter how many problems we faced growing up, our Dads just knew exactly what to say. They knew exactly what to do. And they were always right. They’d say, “we were going to be just fine.” And it made us feel better. Our Dads worked hard, put us through school, played with us and even though we didn’t like it – took lots of pictures of us growing up (glad they did). It seemed like they could tell the […]

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Start to Embrace the Chaos

Stress is the new norm. The world is getting more complex, unpredictable and uncertain. And its happening faster than ever before. From managing our business and career, to raising our kids in a new uber competitive global world to trying to build relationships with friends and family – it all seems so much more chaotic. We’re living in chaos! There’s hope: Embrace the Chaos. I believe that we must first accept that things are not going to settle down one […]

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Day 5 in Delhi: Reminders to Be Present Help to Embrace the Chaos

I think it’s about 4am New Delhi time. I’m tired but I can’t sleep. So I decided to write. I was driving by this famous Delhi attraction today and so decided to stop by and be a tourist for 10 minutes. The site is called Lotus Temple and it is a place for anyone with any religion to come and pay respect to God. It is not a Hindu temple where most Indians go to worship. It is free and […]

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