Five Bucks Before Five Billion

One Hundred Billion Dollars just rolls off the tongue. With the pending IPO of Facebook, people throw out millions and billions like its no big deal. We read and hear about it in entrepreneurial magazines, in the elevator, in the movies and of course when we hear politicians refer to the public debt of our country. Millions and Billions of dollars have become a normal part of our everyday lexicon as much as OMG and LOL. For some who have […]

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The Scars of Life Serve a Purpose

I took my 7 year old daughter bike riding the other day in the beautiful spring weather. Sun was shining late into the afternoon and the air was warm with a hint of the coming summer. She moved forward swiftly on the sidewalk in our neighborhood showing off her skills with a happy smile. Then she fell and almost cracked her helmet! Thank God she had that helmet on in the first place. She started crying showing me her bruises […]

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More is Not Necessarily Better When Deciding to Move Forward

I used to be one of those people who was in awe of the choices we have all around us. “Give me more information”, I used to say. From my career to my life at home, I used to utilize information – lots of it – to make any decision, small or big. I needed options driven by data to figure out which way to go in an uncertain and unpredictable environment. I figured the more you know about something, […]

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Where Ideas Come From: My Conversation with an Ad Man

I was curious about something: Can good ideas emerge in uncertain times amidst uncertainty and chaos? I have a simple theory that some of life’s best ideas, best opportunities and greatest successes emerge during times of unpredictability, uncertainty and chaos. My gut tells me that the complexity of today’s world, chaos at work, chaos at home, is not all that bad. That there must be a silver lining somewhere in there. So I asked someone who is in the creative […]

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My outlook is MY choice

I found this interesting interactive New York Times poll, on the outlook people have about jobs, the economy, next generation’s future, and people’s spending plans for next year. I know I’m torturing myself by reading these things but I came upon it and found something remarkable and wanted to share. The interactive poll is a cool way to visualize how people are feeling these days. You click on the question and then the images move from one side of the […]

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