Tears in Her Chair Keep Her Moving Forward

My wife is an Optometrist (an eye doctor) and has a practice she started at the height of the economic doom and gloom in October 2008. Since she began, she has dealt with uncertainty in the economy, hiring problems, surprises by competition and the day to day chaos of running a small business. As her practice grew, she noticed an interesting phenomenon every now and again: Patients crying in her chair. And it wasn’t a result of eye drops. For […]

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The Scars of Life Serve a Purpose

I took my 7 year old daughter bike riding the other day in the beautiful spring weather. Sun was shining late into the afternoon and the air was warm with a hint of the coming summer. She moved forward swiftly on the sidewalk in our neighborhood showing off her skills with a happy smile. Then she fell and almost cracked her helmet! Thank God she had that helmet on in the first place. She started crying showing me her bruises […]

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More is Not Necessarily Better When Deciding to Move Forward

I used to be one of those people who was in awe of the choices we have all around us. “Give me more information”, I used to say. From my career to my life at home, I used to utilize information – lots of it – to make any decision, small or big. I needed options driven by data to figure out which way to go in an uncertain and unpredictable environment. I figured the more you know about something, […]

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Building Deeper Social Bonds and Doing the Macarena Helps to Embrace the Chaos

It was Saturday morning at home. I was sick with an awful cold, lacking sleep because of my painful herniated discs acting up all night and just feeling tired and exhausted still trying to recover from the holiday parties. Got my 6 year old daughter ready for piano lessons, took her to the first birthday party, made lunch for the 3 year old, start the laundry, etc. It was a crazy Saturday. Aghhh….”Calgon, take me away” …wait, am I allowed […]

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Chaos in the Emergency Room Teaches You to Take Action…Fast

When I often think of uncertainty, chaos and unpredictability, the Emergency Room of a hospital comes to mind. I sat down with someone who knows how to handle chaos and unpredictability in the Emergency Room, namely Dr. Rahul Sharma whom I met recently through a common friend. Back in November of 2009, Dr. Sharma became famous because he and Dr. Flavio Gaudio saved someone’s life in a dramatic fashion. They were in the Emergency Room of New York Presbyterian Hospital […]

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