How to Move On After a Setback: 3 Tips for Forging Ahead When Things Are Tough

We get hit by a curve ball. A surprise out of nowhere that hits us like a ton of bricks. A setback. The chaos of life affects us all at some point in time. We get a setback at work. A setback in our relationship. A setback in business. And sometimes that setback can make you question everything. You freeze because you don’t know what to do. You’re so emotionally wrapped up in the shock of what happened that you […]

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4 Reasons Why Action Trumps Overthinking: Moving Forward in Life is Our Only Option

One of the reasons we have a difficult time moving forward in life sometimes is this nagging voice of self-doubt in our head. Whispering nothing but debilitating thoughts into our subconscious, we get nervous about taking action and delay…and delay. Until it’s too late. As I reflect at my own experience of trying to deal with uncertainty in life, I realize that no matter how hard I think, some new surprise always comes out of nowhere, causing me to rethink […]

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