Right Here, Right Now

I went to bed about 11pm the other night and couldn’t sleep. 11:30, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30!…I kept looking at the clock and given that my alarm clock was set for the usual 5:45am, I was getting more anxious as time went on. “Come on Bob – get to sleep. Come on you can do it”, I said to myself as I desperately tried to calm my mind. I needed to fall asleep fast but something was keeping me up. The […]

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Matching Pajamas Are Not Important

Over the last 12 months, Harry and Hanna have gone through plenty of turbulence, uncertainty and chaos at work. My wife and I hadn’t seen them in a while since Harry moved away for his job so sitting down to pizza on a recent Friday night was a treat for us. Uncertainty, unpredictability and chaos at work and in their life started a little over a year ago when Harry got laid off due to a major downsizing. Around the […]

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George is Not a Commodity

Over a catch-up dinner last week, a friend confided something I did not expect to come out of his mouth. An executive with a big firm he said, “I’m starting to feel like a commodity.” Are we all becoming a commodity? Are we so easily replaceable? Is this what the chaos, uncertainty, unpredictability and complexity is causing us to feel? That we’re no different from anyone else. Is this the root cause of stress and anxiety at work? I went […]

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My Dry Cleaner’s Choice

She greeted me with the same positive, glowing smile she always does but had an inquisitive look on her face today. “Hey Bob!!! What are you doing home during the week? Did your house get flooded with the hurricane? All ok?”, Elma asked as I walked into her dry cleaning store today to drop off my shirts. I explained that I’m home this week because I’m on vacation and was attempting to spend some quality time with the kids before […]

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No News is Good News

About a month ago, I noticed an odd thing on my driveway when I went to pick up my morning issue of the Wall Street Journal.  No paper. I thought it was a mistake but as the days went on and I didn’t see a paper, I realized that I had never renewed the subscription.  So, it’s been a month and you know what?  I don’t miss it. When I first starting commuting to the city about 6 years ago […]

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